Notícias : June 2023: The OpenFlights code base is undergoing many changes and improvements. Please re-test any currently open issues you have reported, and report any bugs you may find.
OpenFlights Map Help — Didn't answer your question? Try the FAQ.
View airport: Click on an airport to view details. Click on or another airport to close the pop-up. Move around: Use buttons (top left) or click and drag your mouse. Zoom in/out: Use , roll your mouse wheel, or double-click on the point you want to zoom to. For the full world view, click . Select region: While holding down Shift key, click on the map and draw a rectangle with your mouse. Map options: To choose your map type and what to show on it, click on the top right . Minimap: To activate the mini-map control, click on bottom right .
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— Campos em azul são obrigatórios. Clique em um aeroporto no mapa para selecionar ou pesquise por cidade ou código de aeroporto.
Adicionar novos voos— Campos em azul são obrigatórios. Clique em um aeroporto no mapa para selecionar ou pesquise por cidade ou código de aeroporto.